Chocolate Brown

how badly do you want this right now? I know I do!

Chocolate Brown would probably have to be my favourite chocolate shop ever... although I’ve only been to a few. It has a little chocoolate/sweet shop (although they specialise in chocolate) and next door is a little cafe. We went over for breakfast on our trip back from our weekend getaway (part 1/part 2). I went for these pancakes with berries and an iced chocolate. Probably not the healthiest option but it was definitely worth it.

Food/Drinks: 5/5
Amazing is the only word I can think of to describe it.

Menu: 5/5
A large range of delicious food from sweet to savoury and healthy to unhealthy (like mine).

Seat Availability: 5/5
A large range of seats inside and outside. We sat outside where there was this beautiful cage fence with greenery.

Atmosphere: 5/5
A nice warm cafe feel which is so nice in the summer!

Price: 4/5
The regular cafe pricing.

Be sure to check this out if you are in Warkworth (sorry if you don’t live in NZ!) at 6 Mill Lane.

Hannah xx

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