My Top 5: School Bag Beauty Essentials

For school I think that it’s best to keep your beauty things minimal. You don’t want to be lugging around a whole lot of beauty products as I think at school I don’t really want to be worrying about makeup and that stuff. So these are my bare necessities and I do admit that I find it pretty difficult narrowing it down to only 5 essentials.

So the first beauty essential is Batiste dry shampoo. This isn’t really a need in winter but in summer after PE - believe me you will need this. When your hair gets all hot and sweaty dry shampoo will help absorb the sweat so you will have happy hair.

Next up is body mist. I particularly like this one by Victoria’s Secret mist in Coconut Passion which is not pricey at all. I think that body mists are better to bring to school as they are so much cheaper so they won’t break the bank. You could also use mini perfume samples too which you can just ask at the counter. This is good for refreshing after PE or just on the go.

Again, after PE or in the middle of the day deodorant is a must. I particularly like this one by Dove in pink which supports Breast Cancer and has a really nice subtle smell. Deodorant is a must as you don’t want to be smelling (well at least I don’t).

Next is hand sanitiser. You honestly never know when you might touch something or do something that isn’t particularly nice and you will need sanitiser. I love love this Pacifica Peach and Kanuka hand sanitiser that smells of just peaches - delicious. I would also recommend wet wipes to clean your hands too as sometimes you want to wipe your hands rather than rub them (?).

And lastly is my only makeup item as I believe during the day you only need this and that’s powder. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder is a good all-rounder. Powder is good for touch-ups throughout the day to remove oils and to make sure your face isn’t an oily mess basically (as you can see the label has worn off).

Products mentioned: 
Pacifica Peach and Kanuka hand sanitiser (not online)

So these are all my school beauty essentials. What are yours?

PS. I am SO excited for Christmas but I am not starting my festive posts now like everyone else. I have something special designed for December! YAY.

Hannah xx

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