Homemade Ice Tea

I am not lying when I say that I’m a true tea addict. You give me a cup of English Breakfast Tea with milk and half a teaspoon of sugar and I’ll be very happy. But in the summer ice tea replaces my regular hot tea and the other day, me and my friend experimented a bit and came up with an amazing ice tea recipe.

Tea bags (1 per glass)
Hot water
Ice cubes
Mint leaves

1. Get your tea bags and brew them in hot water. The more flavour you want, the longer you brew it for. We have gone for these AMAZING teas in Cranberry and Vanilla which smells and tastes so so good and we mixed them together.
2. Let your brewed tea cool a little, and then put it in a jug and pop it in the fridge.
3. Once your tea has cooled, add in your juice. I would recommend you to pick a flavour that suits your tea flavour.
4. Now add in ice cubes and any sort of garnish you would like. We have some mint leaves which I love but adding in lemon or grapefruit slices would also taste delicious.


Hannah xx

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