Summer Holidays & Blonde moments: Sunday Update #2

♥ It is currently the summer holidays in NZ! woo (and australia too if you were wondering) I’m spending mine basically how most other people would relaxing and enjoying the sun with friends. I could get used to this. Also I’ve had so much time to spend on my blog which is really good!

♥ I’ve redone my room! Although I’ve got to do a few finishing touches here and there it’s mainly done and I can’t stop buying decor for my room. It’s just so EXCITING.

♥ I have been obsessed with kikki.k. As I said I’ve redone my room and a lot of the decor comes from kikki.k. Everything's just too cute!

♥ Blonde moment of the week: Using my Lush massage bar as a soap in the shower. I got confused because every time I was done and left it out to dry it went all weird and discoloured. I then decided to do some research and found out that it melts at skin temperature and you’re not supposed to use it in the shower. FAIL.

♥ I am absolutely obsessed with Kim Kardashian’s game

♥ I’ve just realised that I’ve not done a fashion post in a very very long time. One will be on it’s way soon!

Hannah xx

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