Invercargill & Dunedin: South Island of New Zealand

Today’s post is finally the last of my South Island photos which are Invercargill and Dunedin!

Invercargill was a sort of stop over going to Dunedin and also to see the very South of New Zealand! We arrived quite late (yet again) and I caught the sunset straight after dinner. We didn’t do much sightseeing as there is actually nothing really to see. It’s not really ‘touristy’ at all. But there was a beautiful park which was so pretty (and that’s basically all we did haha)!
So we drove to Bluff which is the South-est part of New Zealand where you are right on the edge. The water was so stunning.
We also took a trip to the South-est lighthouse too.

And now for Dunedin! We started off at the World’s Steepest Street called Baldwin St. The photo honestly just doesn’t show you how steep it is.
We went to the beach where we had a picnic and it was such a nice (but windy) day.
We also went to Tunnel Beach where there was the hills at the top and then a tunnel leading down to Tunnel beach. It was honestly so beautiful and we even saw some sea lions!
Another highlight of Dunedin was going on the Cadbury Chocolate Factory tour. Not as extravagant as the one in America (obviously) but it was still so good and we got so much free chocolates!
And after that we just drove from Dunedin all the way back to Queenstown to catch the flight back to Auckland :( it was a LONG one (i think around 4 hours). But on the way we stopped by a cherry farm where we got to pick our own cherries.

And that is my South Island adventures done! I’ve actually just gone back to school this week so looking at these photos make me wish I was there!

Hannah xx

PS. I hope you like my new blog layout!! I’ve been working on it nonstop for the past 24 hours (I’m not even kidding - I was up till 1am haha)


  1. Gorgeous place! And your photos are stunning!
    Makes me wish I lived somewhere this beautiful. :) xx

    1. Thank you so much Rachel! Yes it’s so beautiful. Although I do live in the north island which is more like city life, it is nice to have such nice places close by!

      Hannah xx

  2. Thank you for nominating me!

    Hannah xx

  3. So good pictures...visit my blog,follow me i'm following you :D


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