Blueberry Eton Mess: Baking with Hannah & Claud

Hi all! Today me and one of my bestest friends Claudia from Fresh Mint did some baking to share with you on our blogs! YAY. For us, it’s a tradition that we always do some baking (even if it is the packet mix ;)). So, on this baking date we thought that we would share with you what we did. I chose the Blueberry Eton Mess because it looks amazing for starters but also because it’s super easy especially if not exactly the best baker (like me). On Claud’s blog, we’ve made some Rose Tarts which were DELICIOUS.

You need:
(I haven’t put measurements because it’s basically how much you want for your own personal preference)

♥ Meringues, crushed (you can either make them or buy them but I opted for the supermarket ones because I’m lazy)
 A can of blueberries in syrup - I would definitely recommend fresh strawberries but currently where we live they’re not in season 
 Cream, whipped

To make this:

1. Divide some of the crushed meringues between 4 glasses. 

2. Divide the marshmallows (if you’ve used large marshmallows then quarter them) into each glass.

3. Spoon the berries and the syrup into each of the glasses.

4. Spoon in the whipped cream.

5. If you can fit it, repeat the first four steps again.

6. To top it all off, finish with a sprinkle of crushed meringue and a couple extra berries!

If you want to see how we made rose tarts, click here :)

Hannah xx


  1. Ahhh these look amazing, definitely want to give them a go. Ill be checking out the rose tart recipe as well, they sound yummy!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Thank you! Yes they are absolutely delicious! :)

      Hannah xx


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