Tips: Glowing Skin for Summer

Hi all! Right now it’s currently summer for a lot of you and for me in NZ, summer is on it’s way so I thought I’d write my top tips for glowing skin in summer!

Tip #1 - Take a relaxing bath
Not only does taking a bath help you de-stress but also a lot of bath products are so good for your skin. Lush is a great place for really good bath products which are especially good for your skin. I would definitely recommend the luxury bath melts from Lush for a relaxing scent which also moisturises and soothes your skin.

Tip #2 - Drink plenty of water
I know that this is something we should be doing already, but I tend to always forget. Water is actually so good for your skin as it gives it moisture - dehydration causes your skin to be more dry and wrinkly. If you don’t like the taste of water, try adding in a few ice cubes with cucumber and fresh mint or lemons to add flavour.

Tip #3 - Eat healthier
This is probably the biggest challenge for me as I am not healthy AT ALL. Aloha’s recipe page (check it out here!) is super helpful especially if you’re like me and not so great at healthy eating. There are so many delicious recipes on there - my favourites are the vanilla blueberry smoothie and ice cream sandwiches. Cutting back on fatty/sugary food makes yourself, your body and your skin feel a whole lot better!

Tip #4 - Drink smoothies instead of fizzy drinks
Instead of grabbing a fizzy drink, make your own smoothie. It’s equally as refreshing but much healthier which is better for your skin. I used to be uninterested in smoothies as I always thought they never tasted any good but recently my sister has been making me lots of smoothies which are surprisingly so yummy. Here is the recipe if any of you are interested!

You need (serves 4):
1/2 cup frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries)
1/2 cup frozen mango
A few chopped fresh berries (optional)
1/2 frozen banana
2 pots yoghurt
3/4 cup juice

To make this smoothie just whizz up all the ingredients into a blender until smooth. You can change the measurements of the ingredients to your taste!

Tip #5 - Moisturise
I personally think that moisturising is one of the most important things you can do to help your skin. If I could only use one skincare product it would definitely be a good moisturiser. My moisturiser that I live by is the Clean & Clear essentials moisturiser which I’ve raved about in multiple posts before but it’s just so friggen good - it’s affordable, moisturising and is great for sensitive skin.

Tip #6 - Use plenty of sunscreen
As annoying as sunscreen is, being sunburnt is even worse. If you don’t like your regular sunscreen as it’s so thick and heavy, plenty of moisturisers have a high SPF which feels much lighter on your skin. For example, the Simple Kind to Skin Protecting Moisture Cream is SPF30.

Tip #7 - Remove all your makeup before bed
I know that everyone already knows this but it is SO important as sleeping with your makeup on clogs pores which then leads to breakouts. Even if you’re tired, just do a quick wipe with some face wipes (I really rate the Simple face wipes).

Tip #8 - Exfoliate
Exfoliating your face every so often is also very good for your skin. Exfoliating removes your dead skin cells which means your moisturiser will absorb into your skin better. Also, it helps any breakouts you may have. I love the Clarins Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser as I can really see the results in my skin!

Hannah xx


  1. I always forget to moisturise and apply sunscreen! I loved reading your tips :)

    Sarah |

  2. Great Tips! I should really try making my own smoothies, I am lazy and brought some from the shop but they were equally as bad for me as fizzy drinks x

    1. Thanks Nicole! I know - it can be hard finding the time to make your own smoothies when you can just grab something from the fridge but making your own smoothies means you know exactly what’s in them!

      Hannah xx

  3. I started eating clean right now (today), so these are really actual things for me, thank you for sharing!
    xx, Flora

    1. Good for you Flora! - I am always trying to eat healthier although it doesn’t always work out.. haha. Your welcome!

      Hannah xx


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