Picnic in the Park!

To celebrate the lovely sunshine we’re getting, me and Claud had a picnic together at a park nearby! It was such a sunny day and since it’s the school holidays we could go in the weekday where the park wasn’t too overcrowded. We each packed some good food so I brought crisps, chocolates, iced tea and focaccia bread which I made that morning. We lay out our mat and small speakers and chatted as we ate and it was just so nice lying in the sun with the music and background chatter of people. Also since it’s Spring in NZ there are the most adorable baby sheep around and beautiful cherry blossoms that have just bloomed.

Days like today are my favourite.

Hannah xx 


  1. The location looks amazing! I love having picnics even though we can only have them in summer. :) x


    1. It’s Cornwall Park in Auckland, NZ - so lovely in Spring as there are cherry blossoms blooming! I agree, picnics are the best

      Hannah xx

  2. What gorgeous photos - it looks so stunning!

    Lucy | www.foreverseptemberr.blogspot.co.uk


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