How To: Unwind & Relax

It’s extrememly important to have some time for yourself once in a while to not get caught up amongst the stress in our everyday lives. Here are 12 ways to unwind, relax and let go of all worries in the real world.

1. Turn off social media
To fully relax, it’s important to distance yourself away from social media once in a while. Sometimes we get so caught up that it’s all we spend our time doing. Either put your phone on airplane mode or just turn it off altogether.

2. Bake
I absolutely love baking so listening to some good music whilst baking is the ideal situation for me. I find it really therapeutic and I know it’s something a lot of people love doing in their down time (you can find some recipes here!)

3. Light your candles
Candles are perfect for setting the relaxing mood. 

4. Drink tea
Peppermint or green tea are especially good for relaxing and and calming anxiety and stress.

5. Run a bath
Lush especially have really good bath products designed for relaxing although a fun bath bomb would also be perfect. Baths are just so relaxing and great to pamper yourself.

6. Use a face mask
My favourite quick way to pamper myself is to use a face mask. It’s so easy and after your skin feels like heaven.

7. Read a book or magazine
Sometimes when life’s a bit too much, getting stuck into a good book is just what you need. I feel like I kind of forget about my problems and get really into the book. Or even magazines are equally as good. I love home, travel and lifestyle magazines.

8. Watch a movie or TV show
If reading isn’t really your thing, watch a movie or your favourite TV show. I don’t think horror films would be so relaxing however most other genres are perfect.

9. Do yoga or meditation
I really like yoga as I find it’s so calming and releases your pressure points. I’ve never properly tried meditating but I know it is also really good to make yourself feel more peaceful.

10. Go on a hike or walk
Now I know this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but with friends and a beautiful track, this can actually be very relaxing and a lot of fun. If you live near the sea, a walk would be perfect.

11. Colour 
Recently so many adult colouring in books have come out so if colouring is your thing, I would so recommend you to get one. There are seriously some amazing designs out there.

12. Listen to music
I love music so much as I find it can really lift the mood. 

Make sure you regularly take time out of your busy life to unwind and relax!

Hannah xx


  1. These are all wonderful tips! I love meditating, I would definitely recommend it ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

    1. Thanks Amy! I do want to try out meditating soon

      Hannah xx

  2. Great post and some amazing tips! Before I go to sleep after a hard day I love to turn off my phone and read a good book. Thanks for sharing!
    Grace xx

  3. Thank you! That’s really good - I always try to not go on my phone right before I sleep

    Hannah xx

  4. I absolutely love baking to unwind from a long day. I know for some people it may add to the stress but for me it makes me happy haha!
    Kathy x

  5. I love this post! In the wintertime I love lighting candles and taking long bubble baths but when summer comes around I just love going to the beach! Baking and cooking are also major stress relievers too!



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