Tuesday’s Treat: Chocolate Brownies

Who doesn’t love a good slice of brownie. I sure do! Here is a super easy but delicious brownie recipe, perfect for a quick baking session.

 175g butter, melted
 1 cup sugar
 1/2 cup cocoa powder
 4 eggs
 1 tsp vanilla essence
 1 cup flour
 1 tsp baking powder
 white chocolate chunks (optional)
 icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 180C. Beat the melted butter, sugar and cocoa powder together until mixed through. Add in the eggs one at a time, then the vanilla essence, and continue to beat the mixture. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Add in the white chocolate chunks and mix through using a wooden spoon. Pour into a greased brownie tin and bake for around 20 minutes. Cool and then sprinkle over icing sugar.

Hannah xx


  1. I love brownies!! A good warm brownie on a rainy day is so ideal especially right now in NZ haha
    Kathy x

  2. Ahh these look so delicious! I need to make them soon as I totally love Brownies! Mmm. Your photos are gorgeous too!

    Sarah xxx www.whatsasssays.com

    1. They are so delicious! Thank you Sarah

      Hannah xx


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