10 Things I Love About Christmas: BLOGMAS

Recently as we are in December and Christmas is SO close, a lot of Christmas tags have been all over my news feed and honestly I love reading them as it gets me even more excited. I was seriously considering doing the Christmas tag like everyone else but then I thought maybe I’ll do something else. So, today’s post is 10 things I love about Christmas!

1. Christmas FOOD
Obviously, food is first haha. I love it all from the candy to the Christmas Eve dinner.

2. The decorations
I can not explain how much I enjoy decorating the house every year. I’m definitely the most enthusiastic out of my whole family but also the decorations in the shopping malls get me excited, especially if there is a giant Christmas tree.

3. Christmas shopping
I find it so exciting every year going out and going Christmas shopping! Although recently I have done a lot of my own Christmas shopping online, receiving the packages in the mail excites me every time haha.

4. Christmas music
I think I have mentioned Michel Buble in majority of my Blogmas posts so far. oops.

5. The limited edition Christmas items
Whether it’s from the festive Starbucks coffee cups to the Christmasy Lush bath bombs, I love it ALL.

6. More hot chocolates (hehe)
Although I do make a LOT of hot chocolates throughout the year, Christmas is an excuse to have extra whipped cream in the fridge.

7. Christmas films
I do admit I’m not one who enjoys most Christmas films out there, but there are a selection which I enjoy during Christmas including Elf and The Polar Express which plays on TV every year.

8. The Christmas Party
Literally just with friends and family, plenty of sparkling grape juice, Christmas crackers and delicious food make me so happy.

9. Blogmas
Although I have just done Blogmas this year where I’m basically cheating not doing posts everyday, I have enjoyed reading all the other people’s daily festive posts.

10. Everyone is happy
As cheesy as I sound, yes the happiness. I used to not be able to choose if I preferred my birthday or Christmas but then I realised that on my birthday, I’m the only one super excited but at Christmas everyone is all happy and smiley :)

If you do this, please let me know. I’d love to read it too!

Hannah xx

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