Peppermint Hot Chocolate: BLOGMAS

To me, nothing is better than cuddling with a soft blanket, watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. But for the Christmas time I have discovered a new recipe which has been all over Pinterest, Peppermint Hot Chocolate. So for my very last post of December I’ll be showing you how to make this delicious festive drink! This may not be the healthiest option if I say so myself but it’s an exception since it’s the holiday season.

 Ingredients (per serving):

1 tablespoon of Drinking Chocolate (or milo etc.)
1 cup of Milk 
1 Candy Cane
One small handful of Chocolate Chips
Whipped Cream
Chocolate topping

What to do:

1. Firstly, set out all your ingredients and crush 1 candy cane.
3. Add the milk and drinking chocolate into a saucepan and keep stirring it so it doesn’t burn.
4. Once the drinking chocolate has dissolved, add in the crushed candy cane and the chocolate chips.
5. Keep stirring until all the ingredients have melted.
6. Carefully pour your hot chocolate into a (festive) cup.
7. This step is optional but top with whipped cream, marshmallows and a sprinkle of chocolate topping.


And that is my last Blogmas post done! I really hope you enjoyed these festive posts posts as I definitely had so much fun. Have an amazing Christmas and my next post will be in 2015. Eek how exciting!

Hannah xx


  1. This sounds so yummy :) Such a lovely post <3
    Kaci x

    1. Thank you Kaci! Yes it’s delicious!

      Hannah xx


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