Hello 2015.

Wow. Once again, a year has flown by and it feels like just last week I was celebrating 2014. For the new year I have set out some resolutions which I doubt I will stick to but I will try my best!

 Forget about all the small things
I am an overly sensitive person who thinks about every tiny detail of my day. Honestly, its really annoying thinking about all the silly things and worrying.

♥ Sleep earlier at night

Currently I’m at that stage where I am growing a lot. While I was sick a while back I slept much earlier than I usually do and found myself grow so much in that week. I really do want to be taller as I’m currently very short. Also this means I won’t feel sleepy during the day (which is the current situation).

Wake up earlier in the morning
Every morning I will stay in bed for as long as possible until I HAVE to get out of bed which means I am in a rush every school morning. This is linked to my resolution above, to sleep earlier as that is the reason I can’t wake up early in the morning.

♥ Eat healthier
I will be the most unhealthiest person you know. If there is chocolate in the cupboard and I spot it, it will be gone in about a day or two. Having gotten pretty fast metabolism where I will be quite slim no matter how much I eat does NOT help with eating healthy.

♥ Say YES to more 
I will say no to about 90% of opportunities which scare me even if it’s something like going on a roller coaster. I’m not sure why I’m like this but I want to say yes to more things. It’ll make me more open to new opportunities that may not come if I didn’t take the risk.

And these are my resolutions done! I am so so excited for the opportunities and new experiences that 2015 will bring and I look forward to my blog growing :) Thank you to readers of my blog, I appreciate it SO much.

HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope that 2015 is your best year yet! 

Love you all

Hannah xx


  1. I hope that you stick with your resolutions :D
    Wish you all the best in 2015!


    1. Thank you! I hope I do too haha. I wish you the best for 2015 too!

      Hannah xx


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