Queenstown: The City Centre: South Island of New Zealand

For about two weeks of the end-ish of December, me and my family went travelling to the South Island of New Zealand. I live in the North Island, but I have to admit the South Island is STUNNING. Most of the tourism/nature things are in the South Island as over three-quarters of NZ’s population is in the North Island. I think it was in 2013 or the year before where we went travelling around the top area so this time we went around the more bottom area. Enjoy!

The first stop was Queenstown which out of the entire trip was my favourite place. We stayed for 5 days and I loved every bit of it. What first captured my attention was how coming straight out from the airplane I could see the most beautiful view of mountains. Although I’ve been there before (but in my defence i was still quite young), I didn’t know that Queenstown was a city with mountains surrounding it. Usually you have to drive like 2 hours to reach these views but here in Queenstown it’s right in the city centre.
We arrived having no breakfast so we were STARVING (I’m not very tolerant to hunger haha) and we stopped by this cute little cafe.
Queenstown mall is like a lane with shops on either side, and it leads to the beautiful beach/port.
Ferg Burger is a VERY famous place in Queenstown where they do delicious burgers. Whether it’s 9am or 9pm it is always full and there are people lining up. We waited in line for about an hour to get a takeaway burger but I do admit they are so so good.
This photo shows exactly what I was rambling about before! As you can see the city/shops are at the bottom and there are mountains surrounding the city.
And since we were going around Christmas time here is an amazing Christmas tree!

My next post about Queenstown will be the scenic views which you will have to prepare yourself for (the views are amazing). Looking at the photos makes me wish I was back in Queenstown!

Hannah xx


  1. the second picture form the bottom is so stunning, I was just like: wooow !


    1. I know right! Queenstown is so beautiful!

      Hannah xx


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