Answering Your Questions.

me & my sister when we were little (I’m the one on the left!)

I have been nominated three times more for  the Liebster Award (by the lovely Senia, Victoria, and Nicky) which is super exciting but I have already done two posts so I thought three more might be a bit excessive. But, Senia commented why don’t you just answer the questions? So that is what I’m going to do!

What is your beauty essential?
Any makeup product to do with eyebrows. I feel like if you just want to do makeup that’s super quick and easy, focus on your brows. They frame your face and also looks very natural (if you don’t draw them on!)

What is your biggest dream?
That when I’m older I will have a job that I actually love.

When was the last time you wrote a letter on paper?
I think it was like 2 years ago I wrote a letter to my best friend before she left

You love to read, if yes, what is your favourite book? 
At the moment for English at school I’m reading a book called Unwind which surprisingly I really love. So at the moment, probably Unwind or The Hunger Games cause it’s just an amazing book in general.

If you were an animal, what would you be?
100% a cat

What’s your favourite store?
ASOS. ASOS is literally my life.

Heels or flat shoes?
Definitely flats. 

What was the last movie you saw and loved?
I think it was The Maze Runner. It’s soo good!

The cartoon from your childhood?

What job did you want to be when you were younger?
I really wanted to be a teacher. I had a mini whiteboard and would set out my soft toys and teach them.

Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog because I liked the idea of being able to share what you love on the web for others to read or to help. I love design and photography, so I find the process of laying everything out, taking photos and then editing so fun. Also I LOVE reading blogs myself.

Do you have any advice to people who want to start their blog but are scared of starting?
Believe me I know exactly how you feel! Just keep in mind you CAN stay anonymous on a blog. You don’t have to post any photos of yourself, you don’t have to use your real name - you can use a username etc. Just say YES!

What is your favourite accessory?
Probably my tartan scarf or knit snood... so basically any scarf!

Do you know any other language other than your first language?
Yes! I know Cantonese and Mandarin but I’m not completely fluent though. Also, at school I’m learning french so I know a little bit and I think I will continue until my very last year so hopefully by the end I will be quite fluent at it!

If you had to wear the same purse for the rest of your life which one would it be? 
The Celine nano luggage shopper tote bag in black (what a mouthful!). Ah it’s just so sleek and classy and it’s my dream bag.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I honestly have absolutely no clue.

Chocolate or sour candy?
Chocolate. I have to admit I’m not a huge fan of sour candy unless it’s Sour Patch Kids.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Either somewhere sunny in Australia (maybe Sydney) or America (like California or LA) or somewhere cosy in the UK. Haha three very different places!

What are your purse essentials?
Phone, Wallet, Hand sanitiser, Tissues, Lip balm

One beauty product you can’t live without?
Probably my Collection Work the Colour Nude eyeshadow palette because it’s such a great all-rounder nude palette but also has good shades for your brows!

3 words to describe you?
Happy, Cheerful, A Perfectionist

What is the one thing you can’t live a day without?
My phone haha (mainly for texts, candy crush and I write my timetable/reminders on there)

What is your favourite food?
Probably an authentic thin-based italian pizza

What’s in your bag?
Well I just went shopping so right now I have a pair of sunglasses, hand sanitiser, my wallet and a L’occitane hand cream/solid perfume set in a little pouch. I also had my phone in there but that’s out now obviously. And that’s it (it’s a REALLY small bag)

What is your spirit animal?
Well I just took a spirit animal quiz online haha and apparently mine is a deer.

Who is your favourite fictional character?
Does Peppa Pig count?

Can you do any weird things with your body? If so, what?
No! I am so basic and boring aha

Favourite beauty brand and why?
Well I think I don’t have a favourite one as I like specific products rather than brands. If I had to choose one I think it’d be Sleek because the products feel so expensive and good quality but they’re actually very cheap.

Will you continue blogging?
Yes, I think I will for quite some time especially how I’m only 14 right now and don’t hold very many responsibilities!

Hannah xx


  1. OMG, I just discovered your blog and I love it so much. Everything about it is so perfect, and I feel like it's so relatable, even more so being that I live in NZ and i'm 14 too!!!

    If you could, I'd love it if you checked out my blog :)

    1. Oh my goodness that’s so exciting!! There are hardly any people from NZ blogging. I’ll check your blog out :)

      Hannah xx

  2. I loved reading the post. PEPPA PIG aahh I loved that cartoon when I was younger! hahah

    1. Haha yes I love Pepper pig! Thank you Annamaria!

      Hannah xx

  3. A Celine bag is probably my favourite/dream bag forever! Hopefully in the future I'll be able to buy one, I can just imagine how nice it'll look with a camel trench coat omg haha.
    Dalal xoxo,


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