A New School Year: Sunday Update #3

♥ It has been just over month since I first went back to school as a Year 10 student. It still feels kind of weird to me that the summer holidays are over! It always felt like the sun was out and you’re swimming every day and now it’s starting to get colder and the skies are getting grey and I don’t like that yuck drizzly weather :(

Speaking of yuck drizzly weather I can’t believe it’s AUTUMN already!! (in NZ)

♥ I used to be obsessed with reading because I loved Jacqueline Wilson and I HAD to read all of her books. But ever since i stopped reading her books in year 7, I haven’t really seen any books which really interest me. At school we are studying a book called “Unwind” which I was very hesitant to read but it isn’t actually that bad! I am getting really into it.

♥ The other week I watched the season finale of Broadchurch season 2. I thought that the finale of season 1 was amazing but this is even better!

♥ It is extremely concerning that there is a whole tub of chocolate ice cream that is over half empty... oops

 also if you want a happy song that makes you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, listen to this. it’s quite an old song but i still love it so much :)


Hannah xx


  1. I LOVE that song! :D
    Hope you have a great school year ♥

    Pink Demure


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