Night Markets

The other night me and my friend went to the city as every friday night in summer there are markets and when it gets dark they play a movie. I LOVE markets and these sort of things so obviously I had to go before it stopped (as it’s autumn). The movie was called ‘The Intouchables’ which was in french and had english subtitles (I thought it’d be boring but it’s actually such a good movie!! I really recommend it.) Also it was good practise for my french at school haha

We had dinner there as there was amazing food from all different cultures and then we had a little look around the markets. There was a really pretty jewellery stand where there was a deal for 3 pieces so I picked out these three - a gold triangle necklace, a gold bangle and a rose gold arrow ring.

Ending the night by watching a movie on the grass was so nice. It was just such a relaxed and lovely night!

Hannah xx

1 comment:

  1. Aw thank you so much! That means a lot to me :)

    Hannah xx


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