Lovely Things to do for Your Mum: Mothers Day Guide

Am I not the only one who found this pun SO CUTE and hilarious?!

To be honest, I had no idea that Mothers Day was a different date all around the world. I remember last year I saw on my blog feed that there was a post to do with Mothers Day and I absolutely FREAKED until I realised that it wasn’t mothers day in New Zealand! Well today was Mothers Day and I think *googles to make sure* next week is Mothers Day in the UK so i though that I’d do a little ‘Mothers Day Guide’ for those of you who are stuck with ideas! 

Breakfast in bed
I don’t know about you, but this is what me and my sister did every single occasion growing up (although it would always end in tears haha) Just waking up earlier and making an english breakfast or pancakes or french toast is a really cute way of thanking your mum!

DIY gift
If you have more time on your hands and feeling a little artsy, making your own gift is very special as your mum knows that you’d have spent a lot of time on it. Something I think that’s great to use is clay. I’ve seen somewhere in a magazine where they made a little saucer out of clay which is super easy and cute. You bake it and then half was painted a pastel colour like mint green or pastel pink and half was white. Your mum could put her everyday jewellery like rings/watches on there and it’d look nice on a dresser.

DIY card
If you don’t have the time to make a gift, a card can be just as nice. I googled “mothers day puns” and came across this ADORABLE one which says “you’re a souper mum!” 

Buy a sentimental gift
Again, if you don’t have the time to make a gift and want to buy her one, make sure it’s sentimental. I bought my mum a cookbook as she is beginning to branch out and cook new recipes. She’s always on the hunt for nice home cooked recipes so I got her a recipe book. Just think; if your mum is into makeup or skincare, buy a product she’d been eyeing for a while. If she’s into reading, buy her a good book. You need to put thought into the gift so you know that she’ll use it.

Take her out to a cafe
If you want to spend quality time with your mum, taking her out to a cafe for afternoon tea would be perfect. There are a lot of cute cafes out there and because it’s afternoon tea, just a donut and a hot chocolate would be good. This means you won’t have to save up like half a years worth of pocket money to take your whole family out to dinner!

These are just a few little ideas you could do for your mum. Just make sure that for the whole day you make her feel loved! Happy (early or late - depends where you are in the world) Mothers day to everyone!

Hannah xx


  1. These are such sweet ideas!

    xo, Liz

  2. Another amazing post Hannah! You always have such thoughtful and sweet ideas, and that pun is super cute!!!

    Ella Xxx

    1. Aww thank you Ella! I really appreciate your lovely comment :)

      Hannah xx

  3. This is a good little list! Mother's Day has already passed, but I'll have to bookmark it for next year.

    - Iona


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