Brick Bay: The Glass House Kitchen & Sculpture Trail

Me & my family go to Matakana quite often as it’s very near our close friend’s batch. We always go there together with them and nearby are a lot of really lovely places in the North Island like Matakana and Omaha. I’ve already done blogposts on the Matakana Farmers Market (here) and beaches around that area (here) but somewhere we hadn’t been before was Brick Bay Winery where there was a beautiful restaurant which featured their wine (obviously I couldn’t have any) and a sculpture trail. 

Inside the restaurant there was a stunning view of the small lake and there were indoor and outdoor seating areas - all very nice. This definitely isn’t a ‘let’s go for a casual meal’ type of place but it’s a good place for going to once in a while. Food was AMAZING of course and even though the portion seemed quite small, it really fulls you up. Also, everything is organic this and free-range that so you know that it’s all the good stuff.

After lunch we went on the sculpture trail which I actually really enjoyed. You would walk through forests and up hills and it was just a really nice stroll. The Autumn leaves were actually still there so obviously i had to take a few snaps.

These were a few of my favourite sculptures - a rocket ship, an AWESOME shiny geometric thing in the middle of the pond and large shiny gnomes!

Hannah xx


  1. Oh my goodness, this place looks fantastic... what was organic probiotic tea like? I will have to find some! xxx

    1. It was so lovely! The tea tastes so good although I’ve never tried anything like it before haha!

      Hannah xx

  2. Such lovely pictures! What a pretty looking place!
    Rachel Coco

    1. Thank you! Yes it was so nice :)

      Hannah xx


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