Random Favourites: June

Hi everyone! Again, I have been loving a few things this month so I thought that I would do another Random Favourites for June. 

Firstly, I have been loving this watch. I’d seen this on Topshop online and was going to get it last year. But of course, when I clicked to pay, it said that this particular item doesn’t ship to New Zealand (the struggles of living in NZ). But, on ASOS I found it again so of course I instantly bought it. It’s the brand Limit and is a very simple watch and since I’m a very small person with tiny wrists (which gets REALLY annoying when wearing bracelets/watches), this is the perfect size for me. I have been loving wearing this ever since I got it.

I’m obsessed with another herbal tea! hehe. At RAD cafe (I’ve done a post here) instead of giving complimentary water like most places they gave out complimentary tea. I enjoyed it so much that I preferred it over my chocolate milkshake. It’s the T2 green rose tea and it is truly delicious. Like I said in my last favourites, I’d never really been into herbal teas before (especially green tea) but honestly this is so so good. The rose makes the tea smell and taste like a spring garden in the nicest way possible and it’s also very light, so it’s perfect when you feel like drinking something refreshing. Also it’s works with all seasons as it tastes good both hot and cold.

Right now it’s the winter holidays and at the end I’m going to go to a school thing for a month. I’ll explain more about it later but to record all my memories I’ve bought this Whitcoulls notes book. It’s navy and rose gold (of course) with a hard cover and it’s so pretty. I’ve been in love with the new Whitcoulls collection of rose gold things. So, this book will be filled with happy memories!

When I can’t be bothered washing my face, Simple facial cleansing wipes have been my best friend. I’ve heard quite a lot about the brand Simple but never really tried any of their products before. I know that it’s not good to just use face wipes every day but for the occasional lazy days this is perfect. It smells really fresh and gets the job done so I would highly recommend these.

Again, when I’m too lazy, Fudge Urban dry shampoo works so well. I’ve tried the regular Fudge dry shampoo and it works so well but I think it smells not nice at all and with Batiste, again it works well but the floral smell can get a bit overpowering and if you wear a perfume with Batiste it’s just a huge clash of scents. But this dry shampoo works really well and also smells really nice and fresh but not overpowering at all (YAY).

Late last month I visited Topshop in town for the first time where I bought a necklace and a lipstick (review here). I have been loving both these items so much so the necklace obviously had to make an appearance in my favourites. It’s very simple but so good to dress up an outfit. If you’re wearing a plain grey top and some jeans, adding this necklace just makes you look like you put in a lot of effort into the outfit when it’s only the necklace!

Products Mentioned:
Limit wrist watch
T2 Green Rose tea
Whitcoulls notes book
Simple facial cleansing wipes
Fudge Urban dry shampoo
Topshop necklace (not online)

Hannah xx


  1. I really like using Simple face wipes as they're so quick at taking off your make up! That notebook is so cute too, I love the rose gold writing.
    Dalal x monochromedaisies.blogspot.com

    1. I agree! I know me too rose gold is so nice hehe :)

      Hannah xx

  2. Oh that notebook! What do you use it for?
    xx, Flora

    1. I’m going to write diary entries during my time at my school trip/camp thing haha

      Hannah xx

  3. Oh that notebook! What do you use it for?
    xx, Flora

  4. I need that notebook!!!


  5. I know someone has already commented this but the simple face wipes are brilliant. Although they are cheap they dont leave a residue on my skin which is fantastic as i have quite sensitive skin! Fab post and you have some lovely things :) xxx

    1. Thank you! Yes, I agree with everything you just said about the face wipes :)

      Hannah xx

  6. That notebook is stunning, love the colour of it! x



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