Skincare Review: Clean & Clear toner and moisturiser

Hi all! For today’s post I thought I’d do a skincare review on two of my staple Clean & Clear skincare products - the oil-control toner and the essentials moisturiser. If you didn’t know already, Clean & Clear have been my favourite skincare brand ever since I began using skincare products. I’ve already done a review on their pimple control kit here if you want to have a little read.

Clean & Clear oil-control toner
Beginning with the toner, the first time I used this was about 2 years ago in a small travel sized kit that they were giving out as freebees. I used it and finished it very quickly although after I didn’t repurchase. Recently I found another bottle of this which I had previously purchased but was sitting at the bottom of my skincare drawer, so for the past 4ish months I have been using this and finished the whole container. Now, this is such an important product to me and I’ve repurchased it already. I use this after I cleanse, using a cotton wool pad to wipe it all over my face. I’m the kind of person who has to have a face which feels clean when I go to sleep so this kind of reassures that all dirt/makeup/cleanser I might have missed is off. Although I haven’t been told by a skincare specialist or anything, I do believe that my skin is combination of normal-dry so the thought of using a toner sounded silly to me but it honestly doesn’t dry my skin out. 

Clean & Clear essentials moisturiser
This was the very first skincare product I ever used and I have been loving this since then. If Clean & Clear ever decide to stop making this I would probably email them and beg them to bring it back haha. If you couldn’t tell already, I am a HUGE fan of this moisturiser. Because it’s oil-free, your skin doesn’t have that awful gluggy (? pretty sure that’s not a word but you know what I mean) feeling as it is quite a light moisturiser. It doesn’t have a particularly heavy scent which I like as I do tend to get sick of scents quite easily. There hasn’t been one day or night where I’ve not used this (apart from a few times where I had last-minute sleepovers haha) and I’ve gone through at least 8 of these moisturisers. If your skin is extremely dry, I don’t think that this would be moisturising enough but for my normal-dry skin it’s perfect.

These products are really good value for money, so I definitely recommend you to check them out. They’re not pricey at all and are stocked in a lot of stores. As you can tell, I am a Clean & Clear addict and obviously some of you may have already used these products and not liked them but personally, I have been sticking to this brand for about 4 years now and I will be in utter shock when (or even if) the day comes where I use a new brand!

Hannah xx


  1. I used clean and clear cleanser and the essential moisturizer too when I started college! back then my skin was so oily, I have pimples, and it looked dull throughout the day. But it stopped since I've used them and now I don't have much trouble with my skin anymore :)

    1. I agree it helps make your skin look more alive and prevents spots! :)

      Hannah xx

  2. I used to love Clean and Clear but I haven't used it in ages!
    My skins becomes less oily now but they used to work really well for me :)
    Great review!!
    The Everyday Life of Rachel

    1. Thanks Rachel! Clean & Clear works so well with me too :)

      Hannah xx


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