White Chocolate and Berry Mousse: Baking with Hannah & Claud

It has been a very long time since me and Claud have done some baking so we thought we would make something out of the little & friday cookbooks! 

Claud has the original cookbook and I have the celebrations cookbook so we did a recipe from each book. On her blog we made a pear tart and on here we made white chocolate and berry mousse with meringues which are both absolutely delicious recipes.

White Chocolate and Berry Mousse:
4 egg yolks
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 1/2 cups cream
400g white chocolate, chopped
fresh blackberries or raspberries (I used canned boysenberries which I put in the fridge to cool because berries aren’t in season in NZ at the moment) - to garnish
meringues - to garnish

First put egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk until pale. Place 1/2 cup cream in a saucepan over low heat and bring to a simmer. Slowly add cream to whisked eggs. Put the mixture in the saucepan and stir on low heat. Pour though a sieve into a bowl and leave it to the side. Meanwhile, melt chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. When the chocolate and the cream mixture are a similar temperature, mix together until it’s all combined. In another bowl, whip the remaining 2 cups cream until almost stiff peaks. Fold half whipped cream into the chocolate mixture and make sure you don’t overmix. Fold in the remaining cream. Spoon into your serving glasses and refrigerate until set. 

3 egg whites
1 cup caster sugar
1 cup icing sugar

Firstly preheat the oven to 80°C. Then using an electric mixer, whisk egg whites until soft peaks form. With the mixer on medium speed, slowly add caster sugar. Once caster sugar is absorbed into the meringue keep beating until the mixture is glossy. Sift icing sugar into the meringue and fold it through, being careful to not deflate the mixture. Place meringue in a piping bag and pipe onto your baking trays using a star nozzle. You can choose whatever size you want to have, me and Claud decided to make these adorable bite-sized ones! Bake until meringues are dry and lift easily off the tray (the time depends on how big/small they are).
Once you’ve finished making the mousse and the meringue, sprinkle some meringues over the mousse, add a few berries and you’re done!

Click here to see how we made this delicious pear tart!

Hannah xx

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