Halloween Cupcakes: Baking with Hannah & Claud

Halloween is on it’s way so of course me & Claud had to do some sort of Halloweeny baking!


We’ve done some Halloween cupcakes but with 2 different flavours - I’ve done simple vanilla cupcakes with buttercream icing (the purple and green ones) and Claud’s done mocha cupcakes with chocolate ganache frosting and both are absolutely delicious. Hope you enjoy!

Vanilla Cupcakes:
 150g softened butter
 1 1/2 cups caster sugar
 2 eggs
 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
 2 1/2 cups self-raising flour
 1 1/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 190°C or 170°C fan forced. Beat the butter until smooth and then add the caster sugar and continue beating until it’s light and fluffy. Continue mixing whilst adding in the eggs and then sifted flour, milk and vanilla essence. Place your cupcake cases into a cupcake tin (or a muffin tin which I actually prefer) and scoop your mixture into the cases until it’s 2/3 full. Bake for around 20 minutes or until golden. Once done, pop your tray onto a cooling rack to cool.

Buttercream Icing:
 100g softened butter
 1 1/2 cups icing sugar
 1 tsp vanilla essence
 1 tbsp milk
 food colouring

Beat the butter until pale. Slowly sift in the icing sugar and then add the vanilla essence and milk. Once it’s all mixed through, split the icing into two bowls. You can choose whatever colours your heart desires but I decided to have Halloweenish colours - purple and green. Once done, pop your icing into piping bags ready to pipe.

Chocolate Halloween decorations:
 white chocolate (amount depends on how much you want to make)

Melt your chocolate either in the microwave or over a pot of boiling water until smooth. Set out a plate with nonstick baking paper and put the melted chocolate into a piping bag with a small circular nozzle. Pipe out the different shapes you want - as you can see I really went to town with all the shapes! Once you’re done, pop the chocolate into the freezer and use once the chocolate is set.

To assemble, get your cupcakes and pipe the buttercream icing on them (MAKE SURE your cupcake is fully cooled or else the icing will melt), alternating the two colours. For a finishing touch, pop on your chocolate decoration and basically anything you’d like like sprinkles or a lovely festive flag (or all three)

Hannah xx 


  1. they are the cutest that I seen around !! :)
    Great pictures too. x


  2. Haha hopefully I can give you a cupcake one day!

    Hannah xx


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