Easy Paper Craft Ideas For Christmas

I am one who loves DIYs (especially festive ones!) so today I’m going to show you four festive paper crafts which are perfect to do for a night in with friends or even just when you’re watching a Christmas film. These are seriously so easy and the supplies are versatile so you can easily find them.

 #1 – Festive bunting
 Festive craft paper
 Red striped twine

1. Get your craft paper and cut out identical triangles. The number of triangles you cut out depends on how long you want your bunting to be.
2. Get your twine out and evenly spread your triangles along.
3. Flip your triangles and fold over the top edge then sellotape it down.
4.And lastly, hang up your bunting!

#2 – Gift tags

 Festive craft paper
 White cardboard
 Colourful striped twine
 Hole punch

1. Measure out the white cardboard as your preferred size of your label and cut it out. You could do any shape you want, but I wanted to go simple with a rectangle with a geometric-ish end.
2. Now measure out your craft paper smaller, cut it out and stick it onto first the label. I did a rectangle shape.
3. Hole punch a hole into the end of your tag.
4. Last of all thread your twine and you’re done!

#3 – Flag drink separators 

 Festive craft paper
 Paper striped straws

1. Get your craft paper and cut out little flags. I’ve done the flags with two spikes but obviously you can do whatever shape you’d like.
2. Write down your friend’s/family’s names onto the flags

3. Lastly, get your straws and sellotape the flags onto the top.

#4 – Framed Christmas bauble print

 Festive craft paper
 Plain paper
 Photo frame
 Brown striped twine

1. Get your craft paper and turn it over. Draw a circle and cut it out.
2. Now take your plain paper to draw the shape of the top of a bauble (look at the photo).
3. Make a hole in the middle of the top of the bauble.
4. Thread the twine through the whole and tie a knot.
5. Now take a piece of cardboard (I chose white) and assemble. Stick on your circle, bauble top and string. 
6. Lastly pop your print in a photo frame and you’re done.

These are four super easy but creative DIYs you can do at home. Have fun making these!

Hannah xx


  1. These are such good ideas! They look super easy too which is always handy!xx

    Lauren | itslaurenvictoria.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thanks Lauren! Yes they're so easy to do :)

      Hannah xx


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