Random Favourites: March

Once again another super busy month has flown by however I’ve still discovered some new favourites of mine. So, of course I’d do a random favourites for March!


I’m starting off with another tea! Teas have been featured in many of my previous favourites and I have fallen in love with a new one. I tried peppermint tea for the first time a while back and it’s now up there with one of my favourite teas. It’s crazy I hadn’t tried it earlier but I read somewhere that peppermint tea is great to de-stress and calm you and I am someone who gets very easily stressed so I thought this sounded perfect. I now have a cup of peppermint tea every day as I do think it is a soothing and calming tea.

For years people have raved about Teen Wolf and I’ve been recommended to watch it so many times yet it didn’t really sound particularly appealing to me. However I was in a bit of a ‘I love Dylan O’Brien’ phase and knew he was most famous for Teen Wolf so I gave it a go. (I know, I watched a show purely because I love one actor) Anyways I was hooked from the pilot which is sort of like the make or break for me. If I watch a pilot and find it boring, I just don’t continue watching the rest of the show even though it apparently gets better. Although I am very behind I am determined to catch up to the current season!

Lululemon was always one of those brands I’d heard of but never really thought I’d ever get into. That’s changed when I started running and doing yoga this year which is not good at all for my bank balance... Lululemon has the coolest range of workout gear I’ve ever seen before and the main plus is the quality. All their gear is such good material and quality which is essential for workout gear as you’re moving about a lot. I am in love with the designs of their tops and sports bras, especially the back. They also have a large range of  I’ve definitely been impressed by their range and currently have my eye on their shorts as I’ve heard that they’re amazing!

I am more lenient towards petite and simple jewellery, so I have been wearing these delicate chain bracelets nonstop ever since I bought them. They are gold but I’d say more towards the rose gold end of the scale rather than yellow gold, which is a huge plus for me. But mainly just wearing these add a little bit extra as they’re just so pretty.

Ever since the whole craze about colouring in books came about I knew I needed to get one ASAP. I was lucky enough to be gifted one from a friend which is this mandala art colouring in book. I love colouring in so much so these beautiful designs and drawings made it all even more fun. It’s a great way to relax and I actually find it quite therapeutic.

Once again, another kikki.k item has sneaked it’s way into another post. Typical. This time I was just doing a bit of dangerous online shopping where I spotted this pouch and instantly fell in love. It’s so me - from the colour choices of the peach and orangey-red to the different textures of leather and plastic, it was as if this was made for me. I currently use it as a pencil case for school, but this would also be perfect for travelling when bringing around beauty bits and bobs.

In terms of school my school diary is my life. I organise with sticky tabs and colour co-ordination as I find there’s so much stuff to write in it! A while ago I randomly bought these adorable adhesive notes whilst in kikki.k and have found myself using them nonstop. When there’s an event or notes or a reminder where the date may change, these sticky notes are so much better than writing it down and having to constantly cross it out. It’s also good for extra important reminders as it pops out of the page more than your average pen.

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  1. I love Kikki K, I often just go in for a quick browse and come out with something every time haha :)

    Kathy x

  2. Yes - so me! Haha there’s always something I find

    Hannah xx


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