Random Favourites: May

Hello everyone! It honestly feels like I haven't posted anything in a long time, although it hasn't actually been that long.

I've been so busy with mid-year exams (I also have my main exams at the end of the year as school in NZ is different to UK, US etc) and for the last 2 weeks I was basically stuck in a bubble of stress. I just had my last exam on Friday so thank goodness that's all over! Anyways, despite May being such a busy month I have accumulated quite a few random favourites to show you guys!

First up is this faux fur keychain which is pink and SO FRIGGEN FLUFFY! I absolutely love this and it can just add something to a plain black bag. It's usually attatched to my keys and it honestly just makes it so much easier when trying to find them in my bag that's basically full of random stuff. But mainly I just love it because it's really nice to touch (sounds a bit weird... haha).

Another completely random favourite which I had to add in is this dachshund pen. I absolutely love dachshunds and this pen is just so cute! It sits on my desk and it not only looks really nice but it also is so practical. Although it's not very necessary, I still love it.

Topshop has been a favourite store of mine recently, especially with their socks and jeans. First of all, their socks are so cute and come in a huge selection of unique and funny designs. I love these two in particular - a grey dinosaur pair and a blue cow pair. I find if I'm wearing a really plain outfit, adding a pair of funky socks look really effective and cool. Also, I am a huge, huge fan of their joni jeans. I never gave into the hype at first purely because I already have plenty of jeans and I simply did not need a new pair. However whilst in Topshop there was a sale where I found joni jeans in my size (this never happens!!) and so I was like well I might as well buy them. I instantly fell in love as soon as I put them on and now it's like I've forgotten about all my other jeans because I always wear these. They're so comfortable and you don't feel that awful hard, cold denim material that some jeans are like. They're so stretchy as well and they are just the comfiest jeans I've ever tried and they also fit so well on you. Definitely have a look at these if you haven't already!

Although Adele 25 came out a long time ago, I only recently got round to listening to this album. And I am in love. For every album from any artist there tends to be a few songs which I find are average and a few which I love. However, for 25 I love every single song and I have practically memorised all the lyrics as I would listen to her on repeat all throughout my study. I honestly feel sorry for my neighbours because there have been days from 9am to 6pm, listening to her album on repeat and I'm still not sick of it. Obviously, there is the famous song "Hello" but there are also so many other songs which don't get nearly as much recognition and are equally as good! Some of my favourites are "Send my love," "Water under the bridge," "I miss you," and " Sweetest Devotion." But to be honest. I love all of her songs.

I also did a bit of naughty online shopping and one thing I purchased was these really pretty rose gold bar earrings from ASOS (in the photo it looks like it is yellow gold but it is actually rose gold). I'm now trying to not buy cheap jewellery as I'm just getting sick of the rusting and having to take it off every time I wash my hands. These earrings are super inexpensive however they are sterling silver and rose gold plated so they're good quality. I absolutely love simple geometric shapes so these bars are perfect. Also, for the coldest months coming up in NZ I bought another scarf - this time it's grey and white and I love it. It's so soft and cosy and because of the colour scheme, it goes well with anything although it's not just a plain grey or plain white scarf. 

Also, another trend which I absolutely love are chokers. They remind of the past (90s I think?) and the fact that they are coming back I absolutely love. I especially love them with off the shoulder tops, not too sure why but I think because that area looks extra empty. a simple choker looks so nice. I absolutely love the simple chokers like a velvet or just a plain black choker but the best bit is how easy to make they are. Although they are sold online, I think it's absolutely crazy as it is simply a piece of cord or ribbon. I popped down to my local craft store where ribbon is literally like 20-80 cents per meter and then you simply tie it around your neck. I got a bit more creative with some and bought black cord (again, so cheap) and I already had a few simple silver charms which I simply hooked on. Also, at the craft store I found a plain silver ring where I attatched two pieces of cord on and my personal favourite was threading on these 3 silver beads, inspired by one I saw on ASOS. You can buy the clasps in a pack (mine was a full pack for $2.50) and simply tie it on the ends of the ribbon or cord to make it easy to clip onto your neck. 

Products Mentioned & Links Available:
faux fur keychain 
Peter Alexander dachshund pen



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