Recipe: Cinnamon & Berry Breakfast Bowl

For a delicious and heartwarming breakfast, porridge is absolutely delicious.

Porridge is so good for giving you long-lasting energy until lunch time. Don’t be put off by it’s weird sludgy appearance because believe me, it does not taste how it looks. If you’re a sucker for cinnamon and berries, this will be right up your alley.

 1 cup rolled oats
 1 tsp cinnamon
 ½ tsp brown sugar
 2 cups soy milk

 maple syrup or honey

In a saucepan, heat oats, cinnamon, brown sugar and soy milk and bring to boil. Then turn down to medium-low heat and cook for around 3-4 minutes. Remember to stir often. Once done, pour your porridge into a bowl and top with strawberries and raspberries and drizzle with maple syrup or honey.

Hannah xx

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