Queenstown: Scenic Views: South Island of New Zealand

Continuing on with my South Island adventures, this post is about Queenstown’s amazing views. These two photos were taken during a mini walk we had along the water and I do admit I’m not really one who enjoys walks but the views were too amazing to not enjoy this.
The entire time we stayed in Queenstown I’d been dying to find a pedal boat. On the last day we had a little wander round the city and I found a water activity stand! I can not tell you how excited I was when I saw the pedal boats. When we took a break in the middle of the sea I took a snap of this amazing view!
Another two photos taken on another walk! But as you can see the views are so beautiful.
Shotover Jet is a famous jet boat ride between the canyons. I was pretty terrified that I’d fall off as there are 360 turns but it’s actually not as scary as I’d expected, it was more fun. I definitely recommend this!
Every single night my parents would go back to the port area and take photos. I never really understood why they spent so long until one time I think it’d been 2 and a half hours so I went to hurry them along and was stopped by these views.
And last but not least a stunning view during sunset. Instead of the usual pinky-orange sunset, the sun would shine onto the mountains which created stunning shadows.

Hannah xx


  1. Great post! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog, you can find it here -
    Kaci x

    1. Thank you! I nominated you too! (before I knew you nominated me haha)

      Hannah xx


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