De-Clutter Your Wardrobe.

I was honestly getting so sick of my wardrobe being jam-packed where half the clothes didn’t fit me and half the clothes were from when I was 10. So, I decided that it was time to clean out my wardrobe. De-cluttering your wardrobe makes you see what you do and don’t need next time you go shopping - i realised that I have way too many jeans but I need to get more basics (i don’t even a simple white top!)

To be honest, at first i thought that there was NO WAY I could go through all my clothes and sort them out... but I did.

 Step 1 is to remove everything from your wardrobe. I probably sound crazy but it’s the easiest way to sort through a million tops and jeans.

 Next, I sorted my clothes into 2 piles - what you still want and what you don’t need

 Then tidy your clothes back into your wardrobe. I like to separate my clothes so on the top rack I keep my jackets, coats etc and on my bottom I have my favourite shirts and skirts etc.

My wardrobe is now so organised and easy when you’re going out in a rush. If you have the time, please declutter your wardrobe because I promise you, you will not regret it!

Hannah xx


  1. Great post! I just recently went through a breakup with my closet, but there may need to be another one for springtime, haha!


  2. Just the way I myself de-clutter my wardrobe. In fact I had done exactly this earlier this evening. I think it's so theraputic in a way! Makes me feel like I've well and truly got/getting my life together ha ha. Great post!


    1. Thank you! I completely agree it’s very therapeutic haha

      Hannah xx

  3. Well, I didn't declutter my wardrobe for quite some time now.. The time has come haha I don't really like to do it because sometimes is really hard to get rid off some clothes even tho they are too small to wear because of the memories .. maybe this is just me xD

    Pink Demure

    1. No it isn’t just you! I am a person who finds every tiny thing sentimental! I have kept a few extra special pieces just for the memories :)

      Hannah xx

  4. Hi Hannah,
    I think I've told you before how much I love your blog but if I haven't ... I really love your blog haha!
    I have nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers award so I'm hoping you haven't done it and want to do it :)
    Thank you,

    1. I think you have! Thank you so much I really appreciate it :) I have already done it, but thank you so much for nominating me!!

      Hannah xx

  5. I have been dreading cleaning out my closet but your post inspired me to stop being so lazy. It is spring after all and it always feels so much better after it is cleaned out! ~megan


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